• Outdoor or Online Coaching Sessions

    1-on-1 Guided Self-Growth and Lifestyle Business Development

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    Outdoor Walking Coaching Program

    Coaching Walks in Greenwood Village or Denver DTC

    Tired of Online meetings, Zoom calls, Online Courses... Disconnect, Slow down, Walk and Talk in-person


    Walking Coaching combines the benefits of a moderate physical activity with the introspection and growth of coaching sessions. It's a fresh approach that blends wellness and personal development. You get to explore some beautiful outdoor locations in Greenwood Village during each coaching session. Being unreachable allows deep conversations and self-reflection. Being outdoor facilitates inner-peace and sparks creativity.


    Program: personalized after an initial free briefing call, based on the online 6-week Lifestyle Business Program (see below).


    Seasonality: from June to October 2024.

    Days, Hours: MON to SAT, 8am - 10am | 10am - 12 | 12 - 2pm


    Locations: green parks along the Goldsmith Gulch: George M. Wallace, Orchard Hills, Tommy Davis or Cherry Creek State Park.


    Weather and Safety: familiar with the day-to-day weather in Colorado? We hope for the perfect weather on our walks. Yet please be prepared for anything. We will have to postpone or switch to an online session in case of heavy rain, hail or snow.


    Includes: 1 or 2 weekly 1-hour walks, email correspondence and education material.

    Requires: 2 hours of personal work each week

    Overall duration: 4 to 12 weeks.

    Languages: English or French


    Send a request (online form) - Schedule a free call


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    What is Mindful Walking?

    And How-to Practice Mindful Walking?

    Mindful Walking is a practice, where you are present while walking at a gentle pace. You walk for no other purpose than walking. The mindful dimension simply comes from observing your surroundings, listening to the birds and breathing slowly and deeply.


    You’re present, you can connect with nature and reconnect with yourself. Are you feeling ok by yourself? What is your inner voice telling you?


    What I learned from 2 years of Daily Mindful Walking?

    An introduction to the quiet power of walking for recovery, walking meditation and coaching walks. Read this article. 


    Coaching Walks

    I noticed a better creativity, mental clarity and judgment, while walking during a meeting. That simple realization led me to offer coaching walks. From my online practice, I noticed the relaxing and calming effects of a gentle walk. The quality of the coaching conversations is greatly enhanced. The inspiration for change comes intuitively from wandering.


    Interested in experiencing the benefits of coaching walks in the parks of Greenwood Village along the Goldsmith Gulch: George M. Wallace, Orchard Hills, Tommy Davis and Cherry Creek State, feel free to reach me.

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    6-week Online Coaching Program

    from Self-Growth to Project Development

    • Self-Knowledge: personality traits, dualities, personal vision board, aspirations...
    • Self-Awareness: Strengths & Weaknesses assessment, abilities, potential, limitations.
    • Personal Development Plan: who do you want to become? how to get it? how to get better at it?
    • Personal Manifesto, Storytelling, Communication Plan: vision, values, content creation and online presence.
    • Project Mapping: visualize, craft your idea into a viable project. Design Sprint and Lifestyle Business Development.

    An Individualised Coaching Program:

    • 100% about YOU, your learning and evolution
    • All conversations are confidential.
    • Safe environment. Constructive Feedback. NO Judgment. NO Sharing. NO Group work
    • NO specific prerequisites. All you need is some time, motivation and attention.

    Includes: 1 or 2 weekly calls, email correspondence and education material.

    Requires: 2 hours of personal work each week

    Overall duration: 6 weeks.

    Languages: English or French

    Optional follow-up: 12-week Mentoring / Guidance


    Send a request (online form)

  • Lifestyle Business Coaching

    1-on-1 Guided Personal Development and Lifestyle Design

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    Everyday Heroes deserve a Personal Coach.

    Dream with a Plan - Develop Projects - Change your Game

     Key Aspects of my coaching approach:

    • a step by step method conducted in-person
    • a series of deep conversations, a confidential dialogue
    • a peer to peer non judgmental exchange
    • challenging your assumptions
    • questionning your thinking process

    Lifestyle Business | Executive Coaching


    How I coach:

    - I stay on your side with empathy and understanding

    - I offer a neutral and external point of view.

    - I share constructive feedback, food for thoughts and resources so that you can gain clarity and awareness

    - I help to clarify your vision and simplify your life

    - I keep challenging your assumptions

    - I hold you accountable. free of conflict of interest.

    - I help you to keep track of your evolution

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    What is 1-on-1 Executive Coaching?

    Helping Individuals to unlock their Potential

    Why for Everyday Heroes​? real-life heroes benefit from slowing down, reflecting on their vision and from taking the time to think through their aspiration for change.


    What For?

    - Gain Self-Awareness and Self-Confidence

    - Clarify Goals and Objectives

    - Improve your Decision-Making Process

    - Unlock your Full Potential

    - Dream with a Plan

    - Adopt new activities, habits and mindsets

    - Change your Lifestyle / Lifestyle Design

    - Map-Out your Project / Project Mapping


    When is the right time?

    - Dealing with a difficult situation

    - Transitioning between projects

    - Feeling stuck. Reached a plateau

    - Uncertain time

    - Self-doubt. Loss of self-confidence

    Christophe, who? an consultant with 25 years of work experience, education MSc in Project Manager.

    Find out more about me. 


    Why 1-on-1 Personalised Coaching?

    - an opportunity for personal development

    - an investment in yourself

    - a quest for change

    - finding who you want to become

    - making plans and taking action


    How does Coaching Work? dialogue, resources and questions to help clarify a situation, your vision, make plans and solve problems autonomously, design your lifestyle on your terms.